Crowded but quiet Fort Myers Beach |
Boats gathered off the Lani Kai Island Resort, Fort Myers Beach |
There were waaaayyyy to many people on that boat -- but it sure looked like they were having fun |
As I said in my last post, say "Beach" and they will come. So it was for us in Fort Myers Beach, and continued that way through the remainder of our stay in Florida. We hadn't had many guests along the Loop -- once we hit the inland rivers there were not many easy places for guest to get on and off in close proximity to airport, or even a rental car to take them to the airport. So, it was fun to once again share our adventure with family and friends.
In late February our friend Andrew came to visit for a cold and foggy few days. We made the best of it though, eating lots of good seafood, touring the Edison/Ford Estate in Fort Myers and visiting the the ancient Calusa Indian Mound House, Estoro Island's oldest standing structure. The Calusa built large mounds made of oyster and other shells as a focal point of their communities. The tribal leader would live atop the mound. Over the years more and more shells would be added. It was interesting to see this mound after viewing the ones at the Shiloh battleground. Here is some information about the Calusa from the Mound House website:
The Calusa resisted Spanish political, cultural, and religious insurgence for 200 years. The first documented contact with Europeans occurred on June 4th, 1513 when Ponce de Leon’s flotilla of three ships anchored for re-supply near what is today San Carlos Bay. The flotilla was attacked by twenty Calusa canoes some of which were tied side by side and all were equipped with barricades protecting the warriors inside. In the ensuing battle five canoes and four Indians were captured, and many others were killed. Two Indian captives and a Spaniard were sent to meet the Calusa chief and arrange a meeting. This was done, but the following morning the flotilla was confronted by a force of eighty canoes prepared for battle that likely represented a force of over 800 Calusa warriors. The show of force was enough to convince the Spaniards to leave. When Ponce de Leon returned in 1521, he was again attacked and this time mortally wounded.
A brief mission effort by the Spanish amongst Calusa at their capital on Mound Key between 1567 and 1569 ended in failure amidst continued tension. A second mission attempt in 1697 lasted only three months before the missionaries were stripped of their clothing and marooned in the Florida Keys. The Calusa made it clear that their interest was in Spanish goods not beliefs.
Eventually, many of the Colusa died after coming into contact with European illnesses. It is believed that the majority of those who remained relocated in Cuba.
Our next guest was favorite son Chet who shared his final college Spring Break with us. No one was happier with his visit than Hamilton!The weather was a bit better by then and we got some good beach time and dinghy rides in:
Reunited: Brothers from Different Mothers |
A new Cap'n at the helm
The Spring Break scene really revved up in time for Deb and Don's arrival. Fort Myers Beach is a big draw for college students from all over the south and mid-West. Party central is the Lani Kai Resort, where college student and banners lined the open air walkways and balconies. Adding to the frenzy were the daily beach side dance performances of the Cincinnati Fire Department. After I saw an ad on TV for the daily shows, with a curious Cap'n and Don Deb and I decided it would be a good idea to wander over and show our support for these men in uniform who had made such a sacrifice to travel so far from their cold hometowns to a warm and sunny locale full of women in bikinis. Let's just say, they really heated things up.....
Awaiting the arrival of the Cincinnati Fire Department at the The Lani Kai Resort, FMB Spring Break Central |
I'm all yours, ladies... |
The shark worked for Katie Perry, so why not for the firemen? |
The firemen strutting their stuff for the young and young at heart spring breaker's |
The guy in the hat had a lot of self confidence -- |
This was the 28th the CFD has performed at FMB, this year raising money for the local Araba Shriners.
During Deb and Don's visit it became apparent that Ham had had enough of us -- he spent as much time as he could snuggling with Deb (and she graciously obliged him)
Next up on the list of Spring Breakers/Northern Winter Escapees were my brother Peter, sister in law Mary, and niece Caroline, also on her last college spring break. They came aboard FREEDOM in Fort Myers in anticipation of our trip across Lake Okeechobee. In the past we have done that trip in 2 days, but this year we stretched it into 3 -- I liked it better that way. The weather was warm and our guests spent a lot of time on"FREEDOM Beach", soaking up the rays after a long cold winter.
When we weren't making them hold the lines in the locks,,, (our last locks on the Loop!)
And scrub the boat....
We hope they'll come back,,,,,
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